Saturday, May 16, 2009

Facebook and Mac Gallery

Dominic turns 20 months in just 8 days.

I haven't been on the blog in a while, but this time it's not the same ol' reasons.  It's because I've been Facebooking, to use a newly conceived verb.  If you were reading the blog and are not yet my friend on Facebook, please do look me up.  I am actually doing a decent job of posting phone-camera pictures of the baby angel and my musings (many of you will be glad to hear I'm much less wordy there) because it really is about a gadzillion times easier to post there than here.  Although for long stories like my Cindo de Mayo Surprise post, I don't really see a place in Facebook where that should go.  I think you'll find me if you search for Maggie Etheridge Ureno.

Also, I've been updating my Mac photo gallery ( pretty regularly, too.  You can see Easter, Mother's Day, and Dominic doing all sorts of cute firsts and other things.  Very few of the photos/videos are captioned, but I do go back and caption when I have time, so remember to click refresh every time you visit so you'll be sure to see all my hard captioning work (and thus be able to tell what you are looking at).

At my Mac training classes, I've learned how to make a movie, so as soon as I finish the roman shade for window #2 in our bonus room, I'm going to give it a shot and maybe post it to uTube or something and link from Facebook and here.

Thanks again for coming by to see what we're up to!  

1 comment:

Eat Walker said...

Aloha Maggie and Happy Birthday to Dominic!

The girls and I will be in Southern California from September 30th to October 11th and would love to see you guys!

The last time we saw you... we just had a baby... Well, we have another little girl! Bringing our total to 4!

Say hi to Eddie and the little guy for us and hopefully we'll be able to see you when we're there.