Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pix Fix

Here are some recent pictures of the cupcake!
Can you see a smile behind those fingers?

One of my first experiences in the exersaucer.
Thanks Julie & Jack!

Caption on the shirt says "Daddy's little buddy" .

Shoes are a new experience.
What a fashion plate!

Do I look like Daddy or what?
(Except I have slate grey eyes..
or sometimes green or gold or even blue...
but not brown!)

Had my 4-month checkup and shots this past Wednesday & Dr. Pellman says I'm healthy as can be! 16 lbs 15 oz and nearly 26 inches! It must be all that good clean livin'!!

1 comment:

Bianka said...

No kidding, he looks like Daddy! Sheesh! What a cutie! Maddie has that same exersaucer. Perhaps they can get together and have an exersaucer play date!